
ARTICLE I: Name and Definition

Section I: Name.

The Name of this Association shall be “The Council of Administrators of Taiwan Expatriate Schools” (hereinafter referred to as “CATES”).

Section II: Definition.

As used herein, “international schools” shall mean elementary and secondary schools located in Taiwan which are independent, governed by local school boards and/or other competent authorities consisting of representatives of the international community, and which offer a western-type of education in the English language.

ARTICLE II: Objectives and Purposes

The objectives and purposes of CATES shall be exclusively educational. The specific purposes for which the council is formed are as follows:

1. to broaden the dimensions of education of the CATES Member schools in the interest of a total program of education;

2. to advance the professional growth and welfare of individuals belonging to the educational staff of Member schools;

3. to facilitate communication and cooperative action between and among all Member schools;

4. to promote intercultural understanding and international friendship through the activities of Member schools;

5. to cooperate with other organizations and individuals pursuing the same or similar objectives as CATES.

ARTICLE III: Non-Profit, Non Political, and Non-Sectarian Character of CATES

Section I: Non-Profit.

CATES shall be exclusively educational in character; it shall not have authority to issue stock; it shall not be conducted or operated for profit, and no part of the net earnings of CATES shall be used for the benefit of any member or individual, nor shall any of such net earnings or any of the profits or assets of CATES be used other than for the objectives and purposes of CATES.

Section II: Non-Political/Non-Sectarian.

CATES shall, in its aims and activities, be politically neutral and non-sectarian.

ARTICLE IV: Membership

Section I: Eligibility.

Expatriate schools located in Taiwan may become members through written application and by majority vote of representatives at a regular CATES meeting. Schools are represented by their head of school.

Special Membership, without voting privileges, may be granted to organizations or individuals interested in supporting the aims of CATES, by a majority of voting representatives at a regular CATES meeting.

Section II: Term.

The term of membership shall be yearly, from August 1 through July 31.

Section III: Termination of Membership.

Membership shall cease only because of voluntary resignation, failure to pay membership fees prior to November 1 (unless otherwise authorized by the officers), or failure to comply with the Constitution and By-Laws, as determined by a majority vote of regular members.

ARTICLE V: Officers and Directors

Section I: Officers.

The officers of CATES shall be President, Vice President, and Treasurer. The Vice President shall be responsible for meeting minutes.

Section II: Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors shall consist of the three officers representing the three regions of North, Central, and South Taiwan. Attempts will be made for the board to also represent different styles and sizes of schools.

Section III: Compensation.

The Board of Directors are not financially compensated in any way.

Section IV: Representatives.

The officers and Directors of CATES shall be Heads of Member schools. The Head is the chief school administrator that reports to the board. For example, the Head may have any of the following titles: CEO, Superintendent, Director, etc.

Section V: Term.

The officers and directors shall be elected for a term of two years. The term of office for the officers and directors shall commence on the day of the election at the annual meeting of CATES.

ARTICLE VI: Nominations and Election

A complete list of candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee shall be sent to each representative of the Member schools at least two (2) weeks prior to a formal and regular meeting of CATES. The names of additional candidates may be place in nomination from the floor. Any candidate who receives a plurality of the eligible votes cast at an election shall be declared elected to the office for which he/she was a candidate.

ARTICLE VII: Committees

Section I: Standing Committee.

There shall be one Standing Committee of CATES, namely, the Nominating Committee, consisting of three members of CATES, all of whom shall be appointed by the President and with consent of the Board of Directors at the meeting at which the President is elected.

Section II: Special Committees.

As they are needed from time to time, other committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. The President shall be a member ex-officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee.

ARTICLE VIII: Liabilities of Members

No member of CATES, of any classification whatsoever, shall have any obligation in respect of CATES’ liabilities.

ARTICLE IX: Dissolution or Liquidation

No part of the net income, revenue, and grants of CATES shall be used for the benefit of any member, officers, or any private individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered in connection with one or more of the purposes), and no member officer or any private individual shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any part of the assets of CATES, on its dissolution or liquidation. In the event of such dissolution or liquidation, the assets shall be transferred to an organization chosen by the Board of Directors for charitable and educational use and with purposes similar to those of CATES.

ARTICLE X: Amendments

These articles may be amended or altered by a majority vote of the members present and voting at the annual meeting, provided however that Article III may not be amended in such a manner as to impair or alter the non-profit, non-political and non-sectarian character of CATES.


ARTICLE I: Address

The business address of CATES will be the address of the school represented by the President of CATES.

ARTICLE II: Meetings

The annual membership meeting will be held in the autumn (September - October). An additional Heads meeting will be held in the spring (April - May). The Board of Directors will set and change the meeting dates and provide Member schools fifteen (15) days notice in writing. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Board of Directors.


1. Board of Directors: A quorum will consist of two (2) of the directors.

2. CATES Meetings: Business will be conducted by a majority of members present and voting.

(last revised: 9th May2017)